High-Level Speakers

The women selected by the Jury to be the recipients of one of the 20 full scholarships available to participate in the programme are part of a unique learning experience. Experts in rural development, entrepreneurship, new technologies and public policy will offer them a first-class educational experience, addressing everything from AI to business growth. Students will learn about gender equality, sustainability and rural economics, and explore how they can be agents for change in their region.
The sessions take many different formats to ensure that the programme is stimulating and lively. Participants interact with expert speakers, make a difference in workshops, exchange views with mentors and work on projects with their peers.
The speakers of the inaugural Women’s Academy for Rural Innovation are listed below.

To view the speakers that have taken part in the Schools for Female Leadership please see here 2022 Winter School, 2021 Summer School2022 Summer School2023 Summer School and 2024 Summer School.