Alessia Ruta

ELA Alumna – Represented Italy at the 2021 Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age

Alessia is a BA student in Political Science, International Relations and Human Rights at the University of Padova, where she also served as Ambassador of the 800th Anniversary since the foundation of the Athenaeum for being awarded as the top female student in her freshman year. Her path in the European Leadership Academy started in Lisbon in 2021 at the first Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age, carried on at the 2021 Brussels Week, where she was one of the students who worked on the construction of the ELA alumnae network, and further advanced when she spoke as a panelist addressing the topic of mental health in the digital age at the 2022 YOUthDIG conference in Trieste. Not only these experiences helped her focus more on the effects of new technologies on politics, society and rights, but it also led her to finally choose the international organisation she wants to work at: the European Union, favoring either the Commission or the EEAS, but not excluding the possibility to run for the Parliament one day.

Whatever the future has in store for her, she is now focusing on the present time that keeps her busy with: the human rights education programs that she runs with the scope of enhancing youth participation in decision-making; activism for gender equality, LGBTQIA+ rights, mental health awareness and world peace; sustainability and innovation-oriented activities, as well as her creative writing projects through which she presents both her intimate feelings and political visions in a poetic form.