Ozioma Egwuonwu

Chief Strategic TransformOfficer, BurnBright International

Ozioma Egwuonwu is an internationally celebrated speaker, strategist, scholar, and expert in Transformational Strategy and systems change. She is the Chief Strategic Transformation Officer of BurnBright International, a transformational consulting company specializing in the development and activation of human potential. www.burnbright-lifeworks.com.

As a strategic advisor, Ozioma consults on complex strategic problems and transformational initiatives for a diverse array of clients, including government’s, Fortune ​1​00 companies, non-profit organizations, educational institutions, small business owners, growth and early-stage startups, and personal and leadership development clients seeking to achieve breakthrough results. 

Ozioma is also a mentor and advocate for women and girls, and has inspired and empowered emerging and established women leaders to break through personal and societal barriers and reach up towards greatness and out towards one another. In her pioneering role as Chief Operating Officer of Rising Women Rising World, she advanced a transformational model of shared leadership among women leaders.

Ozioma is a champion of entrepreneurial ecosystems. As a highly sought after business coach and startup mentor, Ozioma has support founders, accelerators and incubators within a variety of ecosystems including The Founder Institute, Propeller, Rebrand Black, and Vodafone's Big Smart Cities accelerator Program. Ozioma is also expert faculty at Singularity University where she speaks and trains on Exponential Mindset, Leadership and Transformation.

Ozioma has spoken at the United Nations,​ ​TEDx, SXSW, Web Summit stages, and at top educational institutions such as Oxford University and Columbia University, where she was a member of their faculty. She has also appeared on NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX, MSNBC. She was also a contributor to The Huffington Post, Thrive Global, and UN Magazine.

In 2012, Ozioma founded World Dream Day, celebrated annually on Sept 25th, the first-ever global holiday day dedicated to activating ideas, goals, and dreams. In 2020, World Dream Day established an estimated reach of 74​ ​million.​ www.worlddreamday.org

Ozioma has dedicated her life’s work to supporting individual and collective progress through transformational talks, workshops, and consultations that reimagine possibilities and ignite action.
Ozioma is committed to a world where we ALL can BurnBright!