Dr. Brigita Serafinavičiūtė

Research Attaché, Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU

Dr Brigita Serafinavičiūtė is Research Attaché at the Permanent Representation of Lithuania to the EU. Until May 2022 she was the head of the Lithuanian RDI Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO) and was leading it's activities since the establishment of this Office back in 2017. She is also the appointed Lithuanian delegate at the strategic configuration of the Horizon Europe Programme Committee. In 2018-2019 she was chairing IGLO - an informal association of Brussels-based non-profit R&D Liaison Offices (https://iglortd.org/). In 2008-2015 she was Board Member of the Research Council of Lithuania acting as Scientific Secretary of the Council. In 2016-2017 she was the Head of Research Management Office at Vilnius University. Brigita holds a PhD in Ecology and Environmental Science.