Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha

Senior Leadership Advisor, Redscope

Claudia de Castro Caldeirinha is a thought-leader, industry global expert & Author in the areas of Leadership, Gender Equality, Career Development and Transitions, and DEI (Diversity, Equity & Inclusion).

A TEDx Speaker and regular keynote in international events, she is Senior Advisor, senior trainer & executive Coach  (PCC-level at International Coaching Federation), working with European Union institutions and international organisations from different sectors.

She is the CEO of REDSCOPE Consulting, a strategic partner based in the heart of the European Union, Brussels. Founder and former Executive Director of the EU office of the Club of Madrid, and of Soros Foundation Democracy Coalition Project. 

She is also the G100 Leadership Parity Chairperson for Belgium, a founding member of the EU’s Integenerational Women Leaders Initiative, and founder of a global Collective Coaching Community for talented women leaders from different sectors and backgrounds. 

Her academic background includes a Masters in International Affairs and Gender Studies, and a Phd ABD at the European University Institute in Florence.