Chiyo Robertson

Senior Journalist, Media Advisor and Trainer

Chiyo Robertson is a senior business journalist, editor and trainer with more than 20 years' experience at international broadcasters including BBC and Sky News.

She has worked in the BBC's major international bureau, including its Asia hub in Singapore, making documentaries in the US and training business journalists in Nairobi. Chiyo has led BBC's live broadcasts at the World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos and covered major European stories including the euro's launch, financial crisis, Brexit and European elections.

Chiyo helped shape BBC global business content as editor of business programmes on BBC World, launching a Middle East Business studio in Dubai and leading multi-platform digital content initiatives.

An experienced moderator and MC, Chiyo has worked with organisations including UN Women, European Bank of Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, European Investment Bank, Infosys, EY, Salesforce and Dentsu.

Chiyo graduated with a degree in Medical Biochemistry from the University of London and recently completed an AI Skills Bootcamp at the University of Huddersfield.

Chiyo is a mother of three, a keen rower and mentor at Media Trust charity.