Community Blog

This blog space is for the European Leadership Academy alumnae to share their vision on relevant topics shaping Europe’s twin transition, the quest for equality and the future of technology.
The views and opinions expressed in this section are those of the alumnae and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the European Leadership Academy.


The positive impact COVID-19 and digital technology has had on my hometown

My village life

For over 19 years, I had my base in the countryside. My parents fell in love with their first house just a couple of years before my big sister was born, and 31 years and counting, the house is still their home. The little town has about 240 inhabitants, including my family. It used to have a small store and even a school, but it is tough nowadays for small villages to manage. Even though there wasn’t much to do, our neighbourhood community was strong, and nature surrounded the town from all sides, which created an isolated piece of heaven. I loved that we, as children, could play on the streets without worrying too much about traffic and that during my weekly runs, I could undisturbedly listen to ... read more

ELA Alumna of the Month – September 2024

Mylana Bulat

We’re proud to present our latest ELA Alumna of the Month, Mylana Bulat from Ukraine! Mylana is the winner of the Future Leader Award, the top honour at the 2024 Summer School in Warsaw. She is currently studying Computer Science at Trinity College in Dublin and dreams of working in big tech. Independent and relentlessly curious, she is also fascinated by psychology, art and culture.

Read about her transformative ELA experience and how it inspired her to want to become a leader in her field:

Which aspects of the European Leadership Academy made your time with us such a life-changing experience for you?

... read more

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 04/09/2024

On Vienna and Its Unappreciated Women

When people hear “Vienna,” they usually think of classical music, the Habsburg Empire, or the Blue Danube Waltz. As someone who spent the first eighteen years of her life in Austria’s capital, I can confirm that all of that is true. I fondly remember visiting the imperial palaces as a child, perceiving the faint sound of the Blue Danube Waltz coming from the legendary but now-closed “opera toilet” upon exiting the Karlsplatz metro station, and learning ballroom dance in PE class at fourteen years old. But behind all its historic and cultural beauty, Austria hides a few ugly truths: the second-highest gender pay gap in the EU, one of the highest femicide rates, and one of the lowest shares of women studying STEM fields, just to name a ... read more

Veronika Denner on 03/09/2024

100 handwritten applications

I am profoundly grateful for my family's journey. My parents both hail from small cities in Romania—Brăila and Piatra Neamț. To pursue higher education, they had to move to Bucharest, the capital. However, it wasn’t that simple. In Communist Romania, if you didn't pass the university entrance exam on your first try, you were conscripted into mandatory military service for two years. After facing  all these challenges in their home country, my parents decided to chase the "American Dream," moving to the United States to pursue their PhDs. That's where I was born.

I feel privileged to have received the education I have today, knowing how hard my parents worked to create opportunities that were scarce in their hometowns. My father once told ... read more

Reviving a Forgotten Hometown: How Technology Can Elevate Tradition and Drive Sustainability

Florence. It’s impossible not to have heard of the cradle of the Renaissance, the birthplace of some of the greatest artists of all time, and the most beautiful city in the world.

It’s easy to remember big names and famous landmarks, but what about all the other smaller cradles of beauty scattered across Tuscany? Among these, there is my hometown, Prato. Rich in history and traditions, Prato is a unique blend of cultural heritage, daily life, and artistic expression. Its symbol is the Cathedral, a masterpiece created by Donatello and Michelozzo. But we mustn’t forget the beauty of everyday life here: historical shops, culinary delights, and textile craftsmanship, where you can taste the most typical Tuscan dishes or immerse yourself into the world of textiles. So, ... read more

Gaia Verzelli on 27/08/2024

Searching for Home: Embracing My Roots and Empowering My Native Language in the Digital Age

What does summer mean to me? Is it a time for vacation, for relaxation? While an island summer destination may seem like the quintessential dream for many, for me, it’s simply home. I live in Gozo, a small island with around 30,000 residents, part of the Maltese archipelago. Often considered the quieter sister to Malta, Gozo offered me a peaceful childhood. Mornings were filled with the sound of church bells or my neighbor’s chickens.

My grandparents lived next door, and my day often began with a visit to them, sharing mundane conversations as my grandma lovingly tried to convince me to have some sweets - usually with a high success rate. Everything was close by - at most a 10-minute bus ride away. With little to do on such ... read more

Melanie Galea on 21/08/2024

From Rural Roots to Digital Dreams: A Journey of Resilience and Innovation

Growing up in the countryside of Portugal, my childhood was shaped by the rhythms of rural life. Each morning, I would wake up early to feed our animals, a task I never minded because of my deep passion for animals and the natural world. My mother, a single parent raising my younger sister and me, worked tirelessly to provide for us. Our small farm was not only a source of sustenance but also a classroom. I learned the value of hard work by helping my mother grow crops, and I developed a deep respect for the natural world that sustained us.

Despite the long days and the challenges we faced, I was always obsessed with learning. I had an insatiable curiosity to understand the "why" behind everything. I would bring home as ... read more

Inês Baptista on 16/08/2024

ELA Alumna of the Month – August 2024

Cara Doumbe Kingue

Meet our latest ELA Alumna of the month! We are delighted to introduce you to Cara Doumbe Kingue from France, winner of the Youth Innovation Star Award at the 2023 Summer School in Valencia. Cara holds a BSc in Micro and Nano Technologies engineering and is about to graduate with a Masters in the same subject from Lisbon NOVA University in her native Portugal. She is a communicative and outgoing person who likes to push the boundaries and step outside of her comfort zone.

Read here how the ELA experience shaped her and her hunger for knowledge and innovation.

Which aspects of the European Leadership ... read more

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 07/08/2024

ELA Alumna of the Month – July 2024

Anne Kelement

Meet our latest ELA Alumna of the month! We are delighted to introduce you to Matilde Abreu from Portugal, winner of the Youth Innovation Star Award at the 2023 Summer School in Valencia. Matilde holds a BSc in Micro and Nano Technologies engineering and is about to graduate with a Masters in the same subject from Lisbon NOVA University in her native Portugal. She is a communicative and outgoing person who likes to push the boundaries and step outside of her comfort zone.

Read here how the ELA experience shaped her and her hunger for knowledge and innovation.

Which aspects of the European Leadership Academy made ... read more

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 03/07/2024

ELA Alumna of the Month – June 2024

Anne Kelement

We are delighted to kick-off our new ELA Alumna of the Month series today. Our first inspiring young leader is Anna Keleman from Hungary. Anna is an alumna of the 2023 Summer School in Valencia and winner of the Dialogue Queen award. She has now left her native Hungary and is currently living and working in The Netherlands. 

Read on to learn about what the ELA experience has meant for her.

Which aspects of the European Leadership Academy made your time with us such a life-changing experience for you?    

Definitely meeting all the girls! My impostor syndrome ... read more

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 10/06/2024

Bridging Nature and Technology: Insights from Dubai for Enhancing Latvia’s Heritage


For as long as I can remember, I had so many interests pulling me in different directions, making it challenging to choose a specific career path. Yet amidst the plethora of opportunities, one industry consistently beckoned me - Aviation. It felt like a distant dream, quietly waiting for the right moment to take flight. Perhaps it’s in my blood – my grandfather was an aircraft mechanic, and my mom used to work at the airport. Rather than waiting for opportunities to come my way, I decided to test the waters in this appealing industry. My very first job, during high school, involved assisting passengers with the newly introduced self-service check-in kiosks at Riga International Airport. Though brief, this experience laid the foundation for my future endeavors in aviation. Despite ... read more

Alisa Uzarina on 22/05/2024

Earthquakes and heartbreaks: the bittersweet longing and idealism of someone who left Irpinia

According to reliable sources, I was a career-oriented kid who had no intention of settling for just one dream job. They say I used to explain my “plan” of getting multiple degrees and wanting to cover a variety of positions in different fields.

It wasn’t until later that I found my drive for politics and leadership – that came out after my passion for writing and before my discovery of project management – but you can definitely tell the spirit has always been there. Proofs of my first attempts to be on the frontline against inequalities date back to primary school, but my interest in politics as a thing sparked in middle school when I created a fictional party (that was actually a Whatsapp group) that had the ... read more

Alessia Ruta on 14/05/2024

Double Excellence: An Excellent Year and a New Position in Operational Excellence

As the calendar pages turn, I habitually look back and do an end-of-year reflection before setting new year’s goals. This is a moment to ponder the highs and lows, celebrate the victories and distil the lessons learned. 2023, a chapter now reaching its final pages, has been a canvas of personal growth and modest yet meaningful achievements. And probably last December, when I was planning the next year, I could hardly imagine where I would be writing these paragraphs twelve months later.

This year kicked off with an expected but unique opportunity that I am especially grateful for - representing the European Leadership Academy at the study trip to Barcelona in the context of the Mobile World Congress, a cornerstone event in the industry. Stepping into the vibrant hub of ... read more

Alisa Uzarina on 29/12/2023

Education: a conveyor of (self-)empowerment

If I had to pick one word to describe my 2023, I’d certainly choose « transition ».

I stopped studying full time, explored new endeavours in tech and politics, and even moved from my dear hometown to Paris. Honestly, it wasn’t easy. I knew, but never experienced, the extent to which change could be uncomfortable.

I’ve spent weeks questioning myself, trying to learn how to embrace the freedom of choosing, failing, and resting that I’ve always dreamed of.

Never in a billion years could I have ever imagined being able to not just survive, but to actually « live ». It is such a thrilling sensation.

I’ve spent so much time fighting - ... read more

Cara Doumbe Kingue on 28/12/2023

Breaking barriers and embracing self-love

As the calendar turned its pages to the year 2023, I embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery and personal growth, achieving milestones that transformed my life. In the span of these twelve months, I triumphed over my own limitations, learned the art of solitude, set healthy boundaries, cultivated self-belief, birthed innovative ideas, and, most importantly, began a love affair with the person staring back at me in the mirror.

One of the most significant achievements of the year was my ability to transcend the boundaries that once confined me. The comfort zone - often a cocoon of familiarity - can be both a haven and a hindrance. In 2023 I consciously stepped out of that safe cocoon, facing challenges that intimidated me before. By embracing discomfort, I discovered untapped potentials and capabilities that ... read more

Point it out in a way that resonates

As 2023 approached, I knew I had to change my lifestyle. I had far too much on my plate. On days off, I'd either crash, sleep endlessly, or worse, try to sleep the day away, fighting the thoughts of everything I felt obliged to do. The idea of doing nothing seemed impossible.

Sometimes you know deep down that things aren't right, but you need someone to point it out in a way that resonates. Just saying the obvious isn't enough. For me, that person was my mentor.

I always thought that life has a funny way of bringing new people into your life when you need them most. Surprisingly, although we worked in the same company and were from the same city, we hadn't met before. He ... read more

Nina Brauc on 26/12/2023

Try, Try Again: The Power of Perseverance

When I opened the letter box I saw a small envelope, almost inconspicuous in its size. As I hastily tore it apart, my fears were validated. A small envelope typically signifies rejection, and in this case, it was from my dream scholarship.

Though over two years had passed since the initial disappointment, the sting of that rejection had stayed with me. Therefore, when the prospect of reapplying materialized this year, my initial instinct was to seize the opportunity without a second thought. However, upon deeper reflection, doubts began to creep in. What if I failed again? Clearly, I hadn’t been good enough the first time.

Following careful consideration, I decided to give it another shot. After all, I had spent countless nights thinking about what I would have ... read more

Hannah Charlotte Kuhn on 25/12/2023

A Year of Achievements: Nurturing passion for positive change

In the whirlwind of events that defined my 2023, one could say it was a year of profound personal and professional growth, a journey marked by determination, interdisciplinary exploration, and a commitment to making a positive impact. As a computer science student, completing my master's degree was a significant milestone, yet it was merely the launchpad for a series of endeavors that would shape my path as an initiator and advocate for change.

The completion of the master's degree definitely marked my 2023 the most. Following it, I decided to embark on a PhD programme embracing the challenges and opportunities that research and academia offer with the goal of continuing my passion of making a positive impact, especially in sustainability. Additionally, I started working in academia with the goal of contributing to ... read more

Stella Dumenčić on 22/12/2023

Taking Breaks Doesn't Mean Giving Up

As 2023 draws to an end, I find myself looking back, and I can confidently say it was my best year as a writer so far. People have finally started recognising my work. Never before have I received such an overwhelming amount of love for my writing as I have in 2023 from people all around the world. However, it hasn’t come without its struggles, including doubts.

In 2021, I published my first book and attempted to promote it on social media, but it didn’t work. Discouraged, I took a break, occasionally working on my second book and new stories. It wasn’t until the end of 2022 that I rediscovered my love for creating videos. I focused on posting short videos on social media. In today’s world, social ... read more

Austėja Keturkaitė on 21/12/2023

'What, like it's hard?' European Leadership Academy

There are many ways to describe the experience that this Summer School provides, yet none that does it justice. How is it possible to write about something that cannot be understood through other than direct experience? As a young woman, yet one of the oldest participants in this edition, the thought of sharing these lines publicly is, I admit, intimidating. Upon meeting the remarkable participants on the first day and engaging with the brilliant speakers and trainers thoughtfully selected by the organizing committee, it was easy to succumb to self-doubt. 

However, as I continued to collaborate with them and have meaningful conversations, my feelings of inadequacy gradually faded. These wonderful ladies showed to me boundless grace, kindness, empowerment, and unwavering support. They fostered an environment where I simultaneously felt safe and ... read more

Dora Ioana Crisan on 13/11/2023

Embracing Adversity: Strategies for Individuals and Leaders

Life, in its unpredictable course, often subjects us to challenging situations and formidable hardships. These trials, while undeniably testing, also present opportunities for growth, resilience, and transformation. Whether you are an individual facing personal struggles or a leader steering a team through turbulent times, the strategies employed to overcome difficulties share fundamental principles. Let's explore how one can stand up against hardship and how good leaders can effectively face challenges.

The first step is Acceptance and Resilience: Acceptance is at the heart of overcoming every difficulty. Recognising the situation's truth is the first step towards resilience. Resilience, or the ability to recover from setbacks, is created by facing adversity with tenacity and fortitude. Positive Mindset is another important strategy. A good outlook can be a powerful shield against misfortune. ... read more

Harnessing Power from Within

For a true leader, facing challenges head-on is not just about personal growth, but also about setting an example and guiding others through the storm with courage and grace. I've faced my share of challenges, and let's be real, the world isn’t always on our side. But every challenge, every obstacle, offers a lesson in strength, resilience, and leadership. Here's my take on standing up to hardship and leading through difficulties.

First of all, don’t be afraid to embrace your vulnerability; it is not a sign of weakness but rather a gateway to genuine connections and support. As a young woman navigating through the ups and downs, there is potency in allowing myself to be seen, to share my struggles without the fear of judgment, ... read more

Jana Havránková on 30/10/2023

The Path to a Resilient Leadership

Life is full of challenges, especially when we dare to step out of our comfort zone. Instead of dodging difficulties, I've learned to embrace them and find a way through. It's in these challenges that we get the opportunity to learn and achieve personal growth.

As a 25-year-old woman of colour pursuing a degree in industrial engineering, my journey has been nothing short of challenging. My journey towards leadership is not just about solving complex equations and optimising processes; it's also about learning to stand up against hardship and overcoming difficulties.

In our modern world, leadership has evolved beyond the stereotypical images of tough figures. Leadership knows no bounds of gender or age; it's defined by the ability to inspire, adapt, and lead with empathy even ... read more

Sanna Azikzi on 26/10/2023

From “Hogwarts for Europe's future female leaders” to Lifelong Bonds: My ELA’s journey.

To describe my experience in the first Women's Academy for Rural Innovation, I always use this quote from Margaret Mead: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." because during that week I felt more empowered, inspired, and hopeful than I have ever felt in my life. 

My entire life has been spent in a rural area. I applied to attend this school to actively contribute to making my rural community (and others) attractive to current and potential residents. Rural areas are not only places where our grandparents live; they are "the fabric of our society and the heartbeat of our economy" - Ursula von der Leyen. ... read more