ELA Alumna of the Month – September 2024

Mylana Bulat

We’re proud to present our latest ELA Alumna of the Month, Mylana Bulat from Ukraine! Mylana is the winner of the Future Leader Award, the top honour at the 2024 Summer School in Warsaw. She is currently studying Computer Science at Trinity College in Dublin and dreams of working in big tech. Independent and relentlessly curious, she is also fascinated by psychology, art and culture.

Read about her transformative ELA experience and how it inspired her to want to become a leader in her field:

Which aspects of the European Leadership Academy made your time with us such a life-changing experience for you?

The school perfectly tackles the task of developing students from all sides over a one week period of time. Not only did I get the chance to meet amazing professionals in their fields, I have grown emotionally. During the interactive sessions I discovered what was stopping me from becoming a better leader and how to overcome it. It is not only about leading others, it is also about being a leader of my own self and life. For two years now I have been looking for answers, and now I have not only found the problem but a solution too. This realisation is the first step to success in my opinion.

How did the ELA programme you attended impact your personal growth? What’s a moment or sentence that you will never forget?

I will never forget my conversation with Dr. Audrey-Flore Ngomsik, the CEO & Co-Founder of Trianon Scientific Communication. She looks at both environmental and social sustainability from a financial growth perspective for the businesses. I couldn’t agree more! The reality is, big corporations care about money and growth. So why not use this as an effective point to make the case for implementing sustainability.

As for a sentence: “If I fail as a woman - we all fail, if a man fails - only he failed”. I found this sentence by Dr. Ngomsik so strong. I now understand that women have to push and take leading positions in the world to open this road and passageway for other women.

Did the programme influence your plans? Did it bring you closer to your goals and/or help you take a different path?

The programme helped me believe in myself, to be true to my abilities and to be brave enough to embrace them. I am now sure that I am on the right path. And that is one of the many gifts this school has given me.

Mylana Bulat

What steps have you taken in your life and career since completing the programme?

I am currently giving myself time to absorb everything that has happened to me during the school. I am putting in the effort to work on myself in finding balance and self reflection in order to become a better leader.

On the other hand I have started working more on my personal brand. I am telling my story through my social media platforms. I can already see the results: it helps people talk and think about mental health more openly.

What have you achieved in the past few years that you are most proud of?

Overcoming my depression. I no longer feel depressed and I am so proud of it. Which helped me professionally in my career as well. I made huge progress from where I was a year ago.

Knowing what you know now – what would you wish to have done differently?

Nothing. My experience is how I learn and become a better version of myself.

How did the programme shape your view of society and the changes that digital technology can bring?

I am now more sure than ever that humans are the ones driving the change, doing both the good and the bad. I understand more than ever that we should not be afraid of the machine, but we should teach people about it. The mass is only controlled when they are afraid and they are afraid because they do not know how things work. It is very important now more than ever to popularise education.

What is your vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future and how do you aim to contribute to it?

It is a world where women are allowed and elected to become presidents, lead companies and make the executive decisions. In an inclusive sustainable world people will not judge each other based on the race, gender, family status and medication someone is taking, but on the actions and kindness of the person. I wish to live in a world where talking about depression, anxiety (and other conditions) is not frowned upon.

I would contribute to this goal by first of all talking about those things and being that woman who takes the leadership position, but who always remembers to carry it with love and kindness.

What advice would you give the many women out there wishing to make a difference?

Find people who can support you and who will be by your side when you need help.

Books that inspire me:

“The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter and How to Make the Most of Them Now” by Meg Jay
“Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert
“Why are you here Cafe” by John P. Strelecky.

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 04/09/2024