From Hometowns to Horizons - Unleashing the Power of Digital Technology

Bulgaria has experienced exponential urban growth over the last few decades. Leaving behind their beautiful hometowns has become the norm as people seek better opportunities and professional fulfilment in larger cities. My father is among those who moved to the capital to improve his living conditions. This trend has persisted for some time, but I believe it shouldn't be this way.

The IT sector has the potential to revitalize abandoned rural areas by creating new job opportunities. There are numerous ways to educate oneself about digital technology, especially with the abundance of online courses available today. The sector is quite accessible to anyone with an interest, so if more people from remote areas start working, for example, as programmers, they could rapidly improve their standard of living. If more people were informed about the possibilities of remote work, migration to cities would drastically decrease.

Digital technology can serve as a bridge between larger cities and rural towns. We’ve reached a point where cities can no longer continue to expand indefinitely. If more people from remote areas are introduced to the IT sector, it will create additional job opportunities. It's crucial that we ensure no one is left behind in the digital revolution we are witnessing.