ELA Alumna of the Month – August 2024

Cara Doumbe Kingue

Meet our latest ELA Alumna of the month! We are delighted to introduce you to Cara Doumbe Kingue from France, winner of the Youth Innovation Star Award at the 2023 Summer School in Valencia. Cara holds a BSc in Micro and Nano Technologies engineering and is about to graduate with a Masters in the same subject from Lisbon NOVA University in her native Portugal. She is a communicative and outgoing person who likes to push the boundaries and step outside of her comfort zone.

Read here how the ELA experience shaped her and her hunger for knowledge and innovation.

Which aspects of the European Leadership Academy made your time with us such a life-changing experience for you?

Growing up, I struggled to fit in and to fully express my personality and my aspirations without shame, or worse, fear. The love and sisterhood I’ve experienced through the ELA gave me the strength I needed to embrace myself unapologetically and to believe that I could reach the highest heights.

How did the ELA programme you attended impact your personal growth? What’s a moment or sentence that you will never forget?

Imagine having social anxiety and winning a « best communicator » award? Unbelievable and yet…
I’ve always had so many stories to tell but I’ve never felt brave, intelligent, or legitimate enough to do so. The School helped me make my voice be heard and realise that it is my strength.

Cara Doumbe Kingue
Did the programme influence your plans? Did it bring you closer to your goals and/or help you take a different path?

Before the programme, my dream was to become a socially involved astrobiologist, so to discover life somewhere in the Universe while finding ways to increase equality on Earth. The School gave me the power to create new bridges between my aspirations and to fearlessly build my own path.

What steps have you taken in your life and career since completing the programme?

Since the programme, we could say that I took the #WomanInTech etiquette to heart! I got experience in Tech and policymaking, built initiatives to ensure a more equal access to scientific studies, and even enrolled in an MBA to work in MedTech before my PhD next semester!

What have you achieved in the past few years that you are most proud of?

A few months ago, I gave a lecture on Allyship, Diversity and Inclusion in STEM at a top French engineering school. I was proud, both as an activist for more equal opportunities in education and as a firm believer in the idea that change will also come from more privileged circles.

Knowing what you know now – what would you wish to have done differently?

I’ll be transparent. As a Black woman, my journey towards STEM and social justice was not easy so I really try to treat myself with kindness and patience. I could have done so many things differently, but considering my background I can have no regrets… also, the best is the enemy of the good!

How did the programme shape your view of society and the changes that digital technology can bring?

Tech has no ethics if it isn’t built by and for the diversity of people in our societies. As a scientist I’ll never not be enthusiastic about innovation, but as a human, I believe we need to stop leaving people behind in the run towards digital transformation - that is what I notably got from the ELA.

What is your vision for a more inclusive and sustainable future and how do you aim to contribute to it?

Education is my fight. I believe in learning and building skills to help shape a better future. I aspire to create more opportunities in terms of mentoring and funding for underrepresented students in STE(A)M because the lack of diversity in these fields is holding society back.

What advice would you give the many women out there wishing to make a difference?

Making a difference is not always about widespread action. Starting small-sized initiatives, being there for your local community, associating with classmates or colleagues, it works! There is no such thing as « perfect activism » as long as you don’t lose your values in the process.

Lastly, please share the name of one song / book / movie that inspires you. The ELA community is always eager to broaden the sources of imagination and creativity!

Being a minority in a given field is obviously not always a lovely weight to bear but hope should never be lost. So, the « Hidden Figures » movie is my absolute classic!

Published by The European Leadership Academy on 07/08/2024