From Rural Roots to Digital Dreams: A Journey of Resilience and Innovation

Growing up in the countryside of Portugal, my childhood was shaped by the rhythms of rural life. Each morning, I would wake up early to feed our animals, a task I never minded because of my deep passion for animals and the natural world. My mother, a single parent raising my younger sister and me, worked tirelessly to provide for us. Our small farm was not only a source of sustenance but also a classroom. I learned the value of hard work by helping my mother grow crops, and I developed a deep respect for the natural world that sustained us.

Despite the long days and the challenges we faced, I was always obsessed with learning. I had an insatiable curiosity to understand the "why" behind everything. I would bring home as many books as I could from school or the library, immersing myself in worlds beyond our modest surroundings. My dedication to studying diligently in school was also motivated by a desire to contribute to a fairer and more just world, with a particular focus on supporting marginalized communities.

The Unique Beauty of the Portugual

Portugal is a place of profound beauty, with rolling hills covered in vineyards and olive groves, and an extensive coastline shaped by the Atlantic Ocean. However, beneath this beauty and rich cultural heritage, Portugal is facing significant challenges today. Economic hardship, low wages, and the slow pace of digitalization are some of these challenges. As a result, many young people feel compelled to leave their homeland and families in search of better prospects.

Being the first in my family to pursue higher education showed me how powerful education is in unlocking opportunities and helping people reach their full potential. It enabled me to experience living alone, move to the city, connect with diverse people from all over the world, and immerse myself in a wealth of knowledge through complex subjects and group projects. Studying Computer Science not only broadened my perspective but also inspired me to envision a future where advanced technologies, such as AI, can improve societal efficiency, increase access to opportunities, and promote equality.

Looking Forward

Reflecting on my journey from a small farm in Portugal to the Summer School for Female Leadership in the Digital Age in Warsaw, I am filled with hope. My roots have given me strength, resilience, and a deep appreciation for the power of knowledge and education. As I look to the future, I am excited by the possibilities that technology offers for rural communities like mine.

High-speed internet can connect our villages to global markets and remote work, smart farming can boost sustainability and soil quality, and digital education can bring world-class learning to children. We have the opportunity to create a future where the beauty, traditions, and values of our hometowns are preserved and enhanced by the possibilities of the digital world, all while promoting sustainability.

I'm part of a new generation of changemakers determined to make a real impact in our communities and beyond. My time with the European Leadership Academy (ELA), where I connected with 29 inspiring individuals from across the EU, has reinforced my commitment to ensuring that the places we come from are not left behind but are instead at the forefront of the innovation and productivity.