Bridging Nature and Technology: Insights from Dubai for Enhancing Latvia’s Heritage


For as long as I can remember, I had so many interests pulling me in different directions, making it challenging to choose a specific career path. Yet amidst the plethora of opportunities, one industry consistently beckoned me - Aviation. It felt like a distant dream, quietly waiting for the right moment to take flight. Perhaps it’s in my blood – my grandfather was an aircraft mechanic, and my mom used to work at the airport. Rather than waiting for opportunities to come my way, I decided to test the waters in this appealing industry. My very first job, during high school, involved assisting passengers with the newly introduced self-service check-in kiosks at Riga International Airport. Though brief, this experience laid the foundation for my future endeavors in aviation. Despite subsequent internships not being directly tied to aviation, I dedicated my spare time to immersing myself in aviation-related learning. While pursuing degrees in general business administration for both my Bachelor’s and master’s, I intentionally focused my theses and academic research on aviation business specifics. It is not a coincidence that my first long-term job was at PwC, knowing that the experience gained in advisory services would equip me with invaluable skills applicable across various sectors, including aviation. After nearly four years at PwC, I finally made a move that brought me closer to my dream. Joining SmartLynx Airlines as a Performance Excellence Manager served as a catalyst for honing my skills in driving continuous improvement initiatives and exploring the intricacies of ACMI services. What I am particularly proud of is my recent achievement. Just at the end of April, I made probably the bravest decision of my life, relocating from Latvia to Dubai to assume the role of Business Effectiveness Specialist at Flydubai. A move that, just a year earlier, would have seemed unimaginable. But here I am, embarking on this exciting new chapter.

In retrospect, every step of my career path has been a logical progression towards my unwavering passion for aviation. It is a testament to the fact that incredible things can happen when we dare to pursue our dreams. While it’s hard to predict where I’ll be in the next 5-10 years, one thing is certain: my desire to ascend further in the aviation realm. Whether it is devising groundbreaking strategies, optimizing operational efficiency or pioneering new technologies, I am committed to making a lasting impact and shaping the future of aviation - an industry that connects people globally, drives economic development and pushes the boundaries of technology.

For me, contributing meaningfully to this industry isn’t just a career goal - it is a personal mission.

Long ago, someone told me that there are no people in aviation accidentally – it captures your heart from the start and never let’s go. As I continue on this journey, I realize more and more that they were right. Once you are in, you are hooked.